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The impact of an aging population on Japanese industry
Home to more centenarians than anywhere else, Japan boasts an aging population that is now the oldest in the world. Almost 29% of people...
Oct 29, 20245 min read

Localizing E-commerce for the Japanese Market
Japan boasts the third largest ecommerce market in the world together with an outstanding logistics infrastructure. The country clearly...
Oct 22, 20247 min read

Integrating SEO with Creative Writing to Engage Japanese Readers Effectively
It is vital that creative content resonates with Japanese audience s. But even the finest content may not be seen by its intended...
Aug 13, 20245 min read

The ethical use of AI in translation
Balancing Innovation with Responsibility Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already revolutionised many industries. It is easy to think...
Jun 25, 20246 min read

All about Japanese Hanko stamps
All about Japanese Hanko In most countries around the world, you would use a signature to authorise a contract or to authenticate a...
May 27, 20244 min read

Types of business in Japan
Types of business in Japan If you are considering starting a business in Japan, it is worth acquainting yourself with the types of...
May 3, 20243 min read

How to set up a business in Japan
How to set up a business in Japan Setting up a business in your own country can seem daunting and so establishing an operation overseas...
Apr 24, 20246 min read

In a new world of choice, how do we decide what to buy?
Some people simply love shopping while others would rather endure several hours of physical torture. But even those who would prefer...
Sep 17, 20235 min read

Found in Translation: Why reading Isn’t Dead - Yet
Found in Translation: Why reading Isn’t Dead - Yet In 1949, George Orwell published his iconic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four . It...
Aug 21, 20234 min read

Social Media Marketing in Japan
Social Media Marketing in Japan Even the planet’s most successful brands have found it necessary to significantly adapt their marketing...
Mar 27, 20236 min read

When do metaphors lose their power?
When do metaphors lose their power? There is no doubt that metaphors can be powerful. A judicious choice of words can conjure vivid...
Feb 7, 20234 min read

The selling power of metaphors
The selling power of metaphors “The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor” Aristotle Aristotle wasn’t describing sales...
Nov 23, 20225 min read

The new language of Covid-19
Covid-19 language and the Oxford English Dictionary Table of contents Covid-19 language and the Oxford English Dictionary A dictionary...
Jan 8, 20224 min read

Euphemisms in marketing and advertising
Euphemisms in marketing and advertising The term euphemism is derived from the Greek word euphēmismos which means to use auspicious...
May 16, 20214 min read

Proofreading Japanese: Why it’s Essential
Proofreading Japanese: Why it’s Essential In everything from instruction manuals to marketing copy, proofreading is essential to identify...
Nov 4, 20204 min read

Why is effective translation essential for marketing in Japan?
How much of your annual budget do you spend on marketing? According to analysis by Deloitte published in the Wall Street Journal, the...
Sep 20, 20204 min read

4 reasons why translation for tourism is so important
As the weather heats up, tourists start to pack their bags for the holiday. And with travel becoming more accessible, tourists are...
Jun 28, 20192 min read

The boutique translation agency: small is beautiful
The boutique translation agency: small is beautiful TransPerfect has acquired Semantix, which reinforces its presence in the Nordic...
Jun 28, 20194 min read
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