How Do Japanese Subtitles Differ from Those in the West?
Human Powered Academy: Enabling Translators to Enhance Their Knowledge and Skills
Localizing E-commerce for the Japanese Market
Translation memories and their significance
Transcreation vs. Translation: Which is More Effective for Japanese Marketing?
The Impact of Japanese Minimalism on Global Design Trends
Challenges of Translating Traditional Japanese Medicine (Kampō) for Western Audiences
Integrating SEO with Creative Writing to Engage Japanese Readers Effectively
The Importance of Localising Content for Japanese SEO
What is The Interpretive Theory of Translation?
Translation rates: Making sense of cents
New Japan Translation Federation board member appointed
Beyond text: the importance of external research to the quality of translation outputs in Japanese
Client Feature: the ancient Japanese art of tsuiki copperware
Dynamic equivalence in translation
Why Linguistic Quality Assurance Matters
Infamous and hilarious translation disasters
Internationalisation in DITA
SLV or MLV? That is the question!
Five Tips For Localising Software Strings Into Japanese