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English accents: Geordie
English accents: Geordie The term Geordie is used to describe both the natives of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and their distinctive...
Dec 1, 20204 min read

Malapropisms: How people sometimes choose the wrong birds
Malapropisms: How people sometimes choose the wrong birds A malapropism is the incorrect and often humorous use of a word instead of...
Nov 2, 20204 min read

Interesting facts about the English language
Interesting facts about the English language It should come as no surprise that there are many interesting facts about the English...
Oct 29, 20204 min read

Why you should choose your English words carefully
Why you should choose your English words carefully English is a language fraught with complications. With its inconsistent grammar and...
Oct 26, 20204 min read

English Accents – Brummie
English Accents – Brummie the Birmingham Accent There are many regional accents in England. Whenever research is conducted to establish...
Oct 19, 20204 min read

Excessive use of so
So, have you noticed an increase in the use of a certain word? In recent years there has been a marked increase in the use of the...
Oct 6, 20204 min read

The correct use of capitalisation
The correct use of capitalisation If there is one aspect of English grammar that almost everyone gets wrong, at least occasionally, it is...
Sep 16, 20205 min read

Another English conundrum – who or whom?
Another English conundrum – who or whom? Many native English speakers would struggle to explain the correct use of who and whom. Indeed,...
Sep 10, 20202 min read

abuse of the word like
Do I, like, sound really stupid? All languages change and transform over time. The rate at which languages change is accelerating as the...
Sep 3, 20203 min read

English Accents – Estuary
English Accents – Estuary Spoken by a growing number of people in the south of the country, Estuary is an English accent which is hard to...
Aug 31, 20202 min read

The History of the English Language
The History of the English Language There are more native speakers of Mandarin and Spanish than of English. However, with an estimated...
Aug 24, 20203 min read

An English conundrum – that or which?
An English conundrum – that or which? 日本語はこちらをクリックしてください Table of contents An English conundrum – that or which? Defining clauses...
Aug 19, 20203 min read

English Dialects – Scouse
English Dialects – Scouse Borderline incomprehensible, even to native English speakers, Scouse is surely the most distinctive accent in...
Aug 11, 20204 min read

Watched pots and fat ladies: English proverbs explained
Watched pots and fat ladies: English proverbs explained English proverbs are truly fascinating. Native speakers use them all the time,...
Jun 12, 20205 min read

The worstest English in the Twittersphere
The worstest English in the Twittersphere My English teacher exhibited a pathological hatred of both bad grammar and the use of slang. A...
May 12, 20204 min read
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